When starting online business, knowledge about one’s market is essential. Today one’s market is no longer bound by time and distance. With sufficient knowledge about internet marketing which is also referred to as i-marketing or online marketing, one’s market is the whole world. Internet marketing means advertising and selling one’s products and services on the internet. Some models of internet marketing are e-commerce where businesses sell their products or services directly to customers or other business, publishing that offers placement for advertisements and other services related to advertising, lead-based websites which generate value by accumulating sales leads from a list of websites, and affiliate marketing, where a product or service created or developed by an individual or organization is shared to active sellers for a share of profits when sold. It is necessary that the person starting the business to choose a business model that will function most effectively for his business.
Viral Marketing refers to the marketing techniques which often use pre-existing social networks to raise brand awareness or other objectives such as the sale of products and services. Viral marketing may take the form of re-brandable e-books, images, video clips, and a lot more. A necessary tool for a successful viral marketing campaign is the use of a list building software. The software allows the user to do other tasks while his job is being done by the software, particularly the searching of possible buyers of the products and services.
The most successful viral marketing techniques are the Community, Affiliate Program and Free Stuff. Building a community should be a priority for beginning online business entrepreneurs. A feature in one’s website that allows visitors to leave comments and suggestions as well as a forum that allows them to communicate with one another is always a good technique to attract visitors. Affiliate program which allows visitors to partake in the selling, advertising and sharing of profits takes a load off from the businessman’s hands and gives him more time to focus on developing the core business. And last is the Free Stuff. “Free” is one of the most powerful words in the internet. Allowing visitors access to free software in exchange for their e-mail address is a sure way of attracting visitors and possible buyers as well as building your list. It may be hard at first but with the right amount of hard work and sufficient knowledge, these problems can be overcome.